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06/01/2024 15:44:13

Top 7 Melhores Livros Sobre Fernando Botero

Conheça a seleção de nossos editores para os melhores Livros Sobre Fernando Botero que não podem faltar na sua coleção.

Top 7 Melhores Livros Sobre Fernando Botero Livros sobre Fernando Botero são essenciais para aqueles que desejam explorar e entender a profundidade do trabalho desse renomado artista colombiano. Com sua técnica distinta de pintura e escultura, Botero cativou o mundo com suas figuras voluptuosas e exageradas que retratam a vida e a cultura latino-americana. Os livros sobre Fernando Botero são uma verdadeira imersão no mundo desse icônico artista. Com suas formas arredondadas e cores vibrantes, o trabalho de Botero toca os corações e desperta a curiosidade de pessoas em todo o mundo. Ao explorar essas obras literárias, os leitores têm a oportunidade de conhecer a arte, a vida e os significados por trás do trabalho de um dos mais importantes artistas latino-americanos da atualidade. Conheça a seleção de nossos editores dos melhores livros sobre Fernando Botero que não podem faltar na sua coleção. Como não encontramos livros editados em português para o Brasil, nossa seleção é está toda em outros idiomas.


Fernando Botero

Fernando Botero is an artist with his own style. For more than six decades, the Colombian’s “Boterismo” technique has captured collectors, institutions, and public spaces worldwide with a unique, fleshy, overblown approach to the human body. Through these corpulent creations, Botero has become one of the most recognized artists from Latin America, his artworks displayed in prominent places around the globe, including Park Avenue in New York City and the Champs-Élysées in Paris.This TASCHEN Basic Art edition offers an essential introduction to this leading figure of figures in contemporary art. Tracing Botero’s oeuvre from his earliest caricatures of animals through to recent large-scale bronze sculptures, the book examines the artist’s diverse array of influences, from Paolo Uccello to Abstract Expressionism, and celebrates the wit, irony, insight, and critical acumen that round out his compositions, however absurd the proportions.

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Fernando Botero


Fernando Botero

This publication is comprised of more than 20 new pieces by Colombian painter, draftsman and sculptor Fernando Botero (born 1932), probably the best-known Latin American artist working today. The book, handsomely bound in linen with a tip-on reproduction of the painting "The Street," revisits the most iconic subjects of the artist's six-decade career, including examples of Botero's bullfighters, circus performers, imbibers, musicians, reclining couples and society women. In addition to his new works, the book also includes archival photographs of the artist as a child, at exhibitions and in his studio, as well as an interview conducted by the book's editors. In the interview, Botero discusses his august career and turning 80: "from the point of view of my energy to work, I feel like I'm 30 ... What makes me work like this is the curiosity of what my next painting will be, what I will find."

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Fernando Botero


Bullfight: Paintings and Works on Paper

Bullfight features more than 140 oil paintings and thirty-five drawings by Fernando Botero, providing a gorgeous look at the artist's iconic subject, the tauromaquia, or bullfight. In his youth, Botero developed a passion and curiosity for bullfighting that has remained with him throughout his illustrious, six-decade career. The artist was profoundly influenced by the spectacle of the bullring--the vivid colors, the dynamic movement, the beauty and violence, bravery and fear, the fine line between life and death.

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Bullfight: Paintings and Works on Paper


Botero: The Search for a Style (1948-1963)

Colombian painter and sculptor Fernando Botero (born 1932) is one of the best-known and most celebrated living Latin American artists. His distinctive visual style of softly rounded, inflated shapes--so idiosyncratic that it is described as "Boterismo"--is instantly recognizable all around the world. But in spite of the visual familiarity of Botero's work--or perhaps, in part, because of it--Botero is, in some ways, a largely unknown artist. How did he transition from the naturalistic illustrations of his teenage years to his mature Boterismo style? Botero: The Search for a Style tells the story of the artist's search for his own unique visual identity in the first 15 years of his career. Assimilating the influences of pre-Columbian and Spanish colonial art, the work of Diego Rivera and the Mexican muralists, and the Old Masters at the Prado Museum and the Louvre, Botero gradually developed his distinctive understanding of form and volume. Botero: The Search for a Style excavates the hidden histories within Fernando Botero's inimitable style.

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Botero: The Search for a Style (1948-1963)


Botero: Abu Ghraib

The world was shocked in 2003 by the revelation that U.S. guards had mistreated Iraqi prisoners at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad. In response, the renowned Colombian artist Fernando Botero created a series of riveting paintings and drawings that constitute an acerbic condemnation of man's inhumanity to man. The 73-year-old artist, drawing on his knowledge of Renaissance art, has produced a body of works that is timely yet timeless, a vision of hell on earth belonging to a noble tradition of artistic statements against war and violence that includes Goya's Disasters of War and Picasso's Guernica, the works of the Mexican muralists, and Botero's own 1990s paintings responding to drug violence in Colombia.

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Botero: Abu Ghraib


Fernando Botero: Beyond Forms

Produced to accompany the first Belgian exhibition of the work of Fernando Botero, this catalogue invites us to explore the entire span of the Colombian artist's career and the origins of his distinctive style, which seeks, regardless of subject, to exalt the formal qualities of volume. Five previously unpublished essays by international specialists, each tackling Botero's work from a different point of view, shed new light on a rich repertoire of images that is already part of our collective imagination, but which, at first glance, seems to evade the conventional codes of modern painting. Beyond Forms and keeping well clear of received ideas and preconceptions, we discover an oeuvre where the great sense of formal freedom never detracts from the rigorous mastery of traditional techniques; where the apparent simplicity is the result of an in‐depth study of the history of art and popular cultures; and where the decision to opt for figuration and the desire to create a body of work accessible to anyone and everyone are born of a constant reflection on what the art of his time has achieved and on its role in society. With its joyous, enduring caress of shapes and colours, this is a book that offers the reader an array of keys to unlock a deeper, more rewarding understanding of this prolific, generous, and constantly evolving artist.

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Fernando Botero: Beyond Forms


Circus: Paintings & Drawings

Inspired by a traveling circus he encountered in a small Mexican town on the Pacific coast, Fernando Botero uses bright colors and unexpected movement to celebrate the poetry of the circus in Circus: Paintings and Works on Paper. This latest title marks the first time the complete circus series has ever been published together as a collection and represents all of the esteemed artist's work on one of his favorite subjects, one which has also inspired the likes of Renoir, Picasso, Seurat, Lautrec, Chagall, Léger, and Calder.

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Circus: Paintings & Drawings

O Que Observar na Hora de Comprar?

  • Analise os preços das versões impressa e digital do livro, a versão eletrônica em alguns casos pode ser mais econômica.
  • Um mesmo livro pode ter diferentes versões impressas: capa dura, capa comum e edição de bolso com preços diferentes.
  • Se você for um leitor voraz, a assinatura do Kindle Unlimited pode ser um ótimo investimento. Com acesso a milhares de títulos, você pode explorar uma variedade de gêneros e autores sem custos adicionais.
  • Se você gosta de ouvir livros, considere assinar a plataforma de audiobooks Audible. A plataforma oferece milhares de títulos em audiobooks que são trocados por créditos que geralmente mais baratos que o preço de um livro.
  • Leia as avaliações e compare preço do livro em diferentes plataformas. Isso pode oferecer uma visão mais ampla sobre a qualidade e relevância assim como do preço do livro.

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