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06/01/2024 15:44:13

Top 5 Melhores Livros sobre Pickleball

Conheça a seleção de nossos editores para os melhores livros sobre Pickleball pra evoluir seu jogo.

Top 5 Melhores Livros sobre Pickleball O pickleball é um esporte emocionante e em rápido crescimento que combina elementos do tênis, badminton e tênis de mesa. Jogado em uma quadra menor do que a de tênis tradicional, o pickleball utiliza raquetes de tamanho médio e uma bola perfurada semelhante a uma bola de wiffle. O objetivo do jogo é acertar a bola por cima da rede, passando-a para o lado do oponente, sem que eles a devolvam. O jogo é conhecido por sua natureza social e divertida, adequado para jogadores de todas as idades e níveis de habilidade. Com movimentos rápidos e estratégia envolvente, o pickleball oferece uma experiência esportiva dinâmica e altamente energética, seja jogado casualmente ou em competições mais sérias. Conheça a seleção de nossos editores para os melhores livros sobre Pickleball pra evoluir seu jogo.


A Guide for Everything Pickleball (English Edition)

What started as a simple all family inclusive game has now spread wide and far and is enjoyed all over the world. Who knew a simple game inspired by Pickles, the family dog, would be so much fun. I hope that you can enjoy pickleball as much as myself and my family.

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A Guide for Everything Pickleball (English Edition)


Pickleball: The Ultimate Guide to Pickleball Skills, Strategies, and Performance

Discover the exciting world of pickleball with "Pickleball: The Ultimate Guide to Pickleball Skills, Strategies, and Performance." This comprehensive guide is perfect for beginners and seasoned players alike, offering in-depth knowledge and practical advice on everything from the sport's history to advanced techniques. Explore the origins of pickleball, its evolution over time, and the growth of the sport worldwide. Delve into the rules, equipment, and scoring systems. Compare pickleball to tennis and learn how to master essential techniques, strategies, and tactics. Boost your fitness and endurance with targeted exercises, drills, and mental training. This all-encompassing guide covers singles and doubles play, mixed doubles, etiquette, sportsmanship, injury prevention, and recovery. It also offers valuable insights into pickleball for different age groups, abilities, and genders. Join the vibrant pickleball community, learn about famous players and influencers, and get inspired by the sport's pioneers. Discover the business and globalization aspects of pickleball, and stay informed about the future of this rapidly growing sport. "Pickleball: The Ultimate Guide to Pickleball Skills, Strategies, and Performance" is your go-to resource for improving your game and immersing yourself in the dynamic world of pickleball. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your game, boost your performance, and enjoy the many rewards of pickleball mastery.

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Pickleball: The Ultimate Guide to Pickleball Skills, Strategies, and Performance


Pickleball For Dummies (English Edition)

The game with the funny name was created in the 1960's and is, today, the fastest growing sport in America. We take you through the hows of the game. In true Dummies fashion, the material is easy to understand and appropriate for newbies as well as advanced players. We cover it all from scoring, serving, dinking, places to play, and getting more involved in the community. No need to be intimidated - you've got Dummies on your side of the court to give you all the best tips and tricks from expert authors. If you're in a pickle because you don't know anything about this popular game, Pickleball For Dummies will teach you everything you need to know. Inside: • Learn the rules and stroke fundamentals • Intro to the fun, social aspects of the game • Advanced strategies that will raise an experienced player to next level • Tips for tournament players and club organizers

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Pickleball For Dummies (English Edition)



Pickleball is an enjoyable, social sport with simple rules. Pickleball is easy to learn for newcomers and may rapidly develop into a fast-paced, professional sport for seasoned players. But what is a pickleball game exactly? Pickleball incorporates features of badminton, table tennis, and tennis. Pickleball is currently one of the quickest hobbies for a reason - it is enjoyable, thrilling, and can help enhance your health. However, elite skill or Olympic-level athleticism are not prerequisites for participation. To begin playing, you only need a few pieces of equipment and the desire to do so. Pickleball has minimal equipment, so you won't have to break the bank to participate. A net, paddles, and balls are the very minimum equipment necessary to begin the sport. Although pickleball-specific shoes and shirts are available, normal sneakers and a t-shirt should suffice for beginners. This book is an easy guide to all beginner’s that want to learn how to play pickleball.

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Pickleball Fever: A Beginner's Quick and Dirty Guide to PICKLEBALL (English Edition)

Do you have friends that play racket sports? Tennis, anyone? A game of squash at the club? Do you feel that every time you’ve tried to join them, you’ve felt that your lack of experience and the expense involved in getting you on par with fervent players were simply prohibitive? Welcome to the new game for the millennium: pickleball — a game whose popularity is quickly growing amongst all age groups and whose beauty lies in its simplicity. The Chief Executive of USA Pickleball captures the essence of why this game is now so popular: it does not have as steep a learning curve as many other racket sports. You don’t have to get hit in the face, run until you can barely breathe, or get punished for not mastering its fundamentals. In fact, pickleball is an egalitarian game; one that even Pickles (the dog it was named after – well, we think!) was able to participate in after a few tries. That’s right, in just one hour’s time, you can hone the basics and start playing your first game with family and friends. What’s more, games last only 15–25 minutes and matches go for around 30–60 minutes. It will come as no surprise that a host of celebrities play and follow pickleball — including Leonardo DiCaprio, Stephen Colbert, Matthew Perry, George and Amal Clooney, and even tennis icon, Andre Agassi! Pickleball is also a healthy sport. It is a cardiovascular exercise that gives your heart a workout, improves your hand-eye coordination, boosts your lung capacity and metabolism, and builds your endurance, coordination, and strength. In “Pickleball Fever: A Beginner’s Quick and Dirty Guide to PICKLEBALL” you will discover: The quirky history of the game The reasons why everyone should start playing this game ASAP The unique ways that this game can benefit your physical and mental health The rules you’ll need to follow if you want to stay true to Pickles and his owners’ original vision of the game The different grips you can use to become a pickleball powerhouse How to do dinks, block shots, and cross-court dinks like a pro The positions that will give you the edge over your opponents Vital strategies like stacking and switching, poaching, and attacking the middle of your opponent’s court How to display the etiquette that Pickles would have approved of with a hearty “Bow-wow!” Typical mistakes to avoid to take yourself from newbie to certified pickler in no time And much more. You may wonder if pickleball is for you, especially if you have always been a bit daunted by racket sports. As you read through this book, however, you will discover that pickleball is very much in a league of its own! It was created for people of all ages to enjoy a fun workout, build beautiful memories with loved ones, and enjoy a hearty laugh in the midst of even the most competitive games and matches.

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Pickleball Fever: A Beginner's Quick and Dirty Guide to PICKLEBALL (English Edition)

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