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06/01/2024 15:44:13

Top 10 Melhores Livros Sobre MySQL

O que é o MySQL? Qual o melhor livro para aprender sobre MySQL? Como aprender MySQL? Como usar as MySQL? Com dúvidas? Vamos te ajudar!

Top 10 Melhores Livros Sobre MySQL O MySQL é um sistema de gerenciamento de banco de dados (SGBD), que utiliza a linguagem SQL (Linguagem de Consulta Estruturada, do inglês Structured Query Language) como interface. É atualmente um dos sistemas de gerenciamento de bancos de dados mais populares da Oracle Corporation, com mais de 10 milhões de instalações pelo mundo. Selecionamos os melhores livros pra aprender a usar o bando de dados MySQL com venda on-line.


Murach's MySQL (3rd Edition)

This is the latest edition of the book that application developers worldwide have used to master updated for MySQL 8.0 and beyond. It shows how to code all the essential SQL statements for working with a MySQL database. You'll use these statements every day to have MySQL do more of your work for you. It shows how to use classic MySQL features such as summary queries, subqueries, functions, views, transactions, stored procedures, triggers, and security. It shows how to take advantage of newer MySQL features such as window functions, Common Table Expressions (CTE), and roles for database security. It shows how to design a database, including how to use MySQL Workbench to create and implement the design. It presents a starting set of skills for a database administrator (DBA) if you're interested in that career path or if you need to be your own DBA. In short, it's a must-have guide for anyone who works with MySQL, beginning and experienced developers alike.

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Murach's MySQL (3rd Edition)

MySQL: Comece com o principal banco de dados open source do mercado

O MySQL é praticamente onipresente nos projetos de software atuais. Boa parte deles o utiliza como banco de dados para armazenar as informações da sua aplicação, por conta da sua facilidade de instalação e configuração. Neste livro, Vinícius Carvalho introduz o leitor no mundo do banco de dados MySQL, ensinando os principais comandos DML e DDL, e ferramentas gráficas. Você vai aprender a trabalhar com procedures, manipular triggers, criar backups e vários outros recursos que fazem a diferença no dia a dia.

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MySQL: Comece com o principal banco de dados open source do mercado

Aprendendo Banco de dados com MySQL, Leite Júnior, Jorge Costa

Este livro de Banco de Dados é focado na aprendizagem dos recursos da linguagem SQL, especialmente para o Banco de dados MySQL. Ele busca uma linguagem menos acadêmica apresentar os conceitos de bancos de dados, tabelas, consultas, operações de inserção, alteração, modificação de dados. Trabalha consultas complexas, bem como subconsultas e junções de tabelas. Tudo que um novo aprendiz precisa saber para aprender MySQL, com exercícios resolvidos e propostos para fixação dos contéudos apresentados.

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Aprendendo Banco de dados com MySQL, Leite Júnior, Jorge Costa

MySQL: MySQL Tutorials for Beginners Basic to Advanced MySQL Languages

MySQL is the most popular Open Source Relational SQL Database Management System. MySQL is one of the best RDBMS being used for developing various web-based software applications. MySQL is developed, marketed and supported by MySQL AB, which is a Swedish company. This tutorial will give you a quick start to MySQL and make you comfortable with MySQL programming.This tutorial is prepared for the beginners to help them understand the basics-to-advanced concepts related to MySQL languages.Before you start doing practice with various types of examples given in this tutorial, it is being assumed that you are already aware about what a database is, especially an RDBMS and what is a computer programming language.

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MySQL: MySQL Tutorials for Beginners Basic to Advanced MySQL Languages

Mysql - Guia De Estudo Para Certificacao

MySQL - Guia de Estudo para Certificação (Primeira edição, 2005) O Programa de Certificação MySQL é um processo de certificação de alta qualidade e cuidadosamente desenvolvido que pode ajudá-lo a provar suas habilidades no uso, manutenção e administração de servidores de bancos de dados MySQL e outras tecnologias da MySQL AB. Profissionais de computação certificados freqüentemente descobrem que ter credenciais comprovadas e reconhecidas pode fazê-los progredir nos seus campos de atuação, impulsionar suas carreiras e torná-los empregados melhores e mais produtivos para suas empresas ou organizações. Não importa qual seja o seu motivo para obter a Certificação MySQL, o Guia de Estudo para Certificação MySQL lhe dá as informações de que precisa para entender melhor as tecnologias MySQL, preparar-se para e passar nos exames.

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Mysql - Guia De Estudo Para Certificacao

Learning MySQL: Get a Handle on Your Data

Get a comprehensive overview on how to set up and design an effective database with MySQL. This thoroughly updated edition covers MySQL's latest version, including its most important aspects. Whether you're deploying an environment, troubleshooting an issue, or engaging in disaster recovery, this practical guide provides the insights and tools necessary to take full advantage of this powerful RDBMS.Authors Vinicius Grippa and Sergey Kuzmichev from Percona show developers and DBAs methods for minimizing costs and maximizing availability and performance. You'll learn how to perform basic and advanced querying, monitoring and troubleshooting, database management and security, backup and recovery, and tuning for improved efficiency. This edition includes new chapters on high availability, load balancing, and using MySQL in the cloud.Get started with MySQL and learn how to use it in productionDeploy MySQL databases on bare metal, on virtual machines, and in the cloudDesign database infrastructuresCode highly efficient queriesMonitor and troubleshoot MySQL databasesExecute efficient backup and restore operationsOptimize database costs in the cloudUnderstand database concepts, especially those pertaining to MySQL

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Learning MySQL: Get a Handle on Your Data

High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, and Replication

How can you bring out MySQL’s full power? With High Performance MySQL, you’ll learn advanced techniques for everything from designing schemas, indexes, and queries to tuning your MySQL server, operating system, and hardware to their fullest potential. This guide also teaches you safe and practical ways to scale applications through replication, load balancing, high availability, and failover.Updated to reflect recent advances in MySQL and InnoDB performance, features, and tools, this third edition not only offers specific examples of how MySQL works, it also teaches you why this system works as it does, with illustrative stories and case studies that demonstrate MySQL’s principles in action. With this book, you’ll learn how to think in MySQL.Learn the effects of new features in MySQL 5.5, including stored procedures, partitioned databases, triggers, and viewsImplement improvements in replication, high availability, and clusteringAchieve high performance when running MySQL in the cloudOptimize advanced querying features, such as full-text searchesTake advantage of modern multi-core CPUs and solid-state disksExplore backup and recovery strategies—including new tools for hot online backups

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High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, and Replication

Learning MySQL: Get a Handle on Your Data

Whether you're running a business, keeping track of members andmeetings for a club, or just trying to organize a large and diversecollection of information, you'll find the MySQL database engineuseful for answering questions such as: Which are my top ten fastest-selling products?How frequently does this person come to our facility?What was the highest, lowest, and average score of the team last season?MySQL, the most popular open-source database, offers the power ofa relational database in a package that's easy to set up andadminister, and Learning MySQL provides all the tools you need toget started. This densely packed tutorial includes detailedinstructions to help you set up and design an effective database, create powerful queries using SQL, configure MySQL for improvedsecurity, and squeeze information out of your data. After covering the basics, the book travels far into MySQL'ssubtleties, including complex queries and joins, how to interact withthe database over the Web using PHP or Perl, and importanthouse-keeping such as backups and security.Topic include: Installation on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS XBasic and advanced querying using SQLUser management and securityBackups and recoveryTuning for improved efficiencyDeveloping command-line and web database applications using thePHP and Perl programming languagesThe authors, Saied Tahaghoghi and Hugh E. Williams, have careers inacademia and business, and share a keen interest in research intosearch technologies.Whether you've never touched a database or have already completedsome MySQL projects, you'll find insights in Learning MySQLthat will last a career.

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Learning MySQL: Get a Handle on Your Data

MySQL Cookbook: Solutions for Database Developers and Administrators

MySQL's popularity has brought a flood of questions about how to solve specific problems, and that's where this cookbook is essential. When you need quick solutions or techniques, this handy resource provides scores of short, focused pieces of code, hundreds of worked-out examples, and clear, concise explanations for programmers who don't have the time (or expertise) to solve MySQL problems from scratch.Ideal for beginners and professional database and web developers, this updated third edition covers powerful features in MySQL 5.6 (and some in 5.7). The book focuses on programming APIs in Python, PHP, Java, Perl, and Ruby. With more than 200+ recipes, you'll learn how to: Use the mysql client and write MySQL-based programsCreate, populate, and select data from tablesStore, retrieve, and manipulate stringsWork with dates and timesSort query results and generate summariesUse stored routines, triggers, and scheduled eventsImport, export, validate, and reformat dataPerform transactions and work with statisticsProcess web input, and generate web content from query resultsUse MySQL-based web session managementProvide security and server administration

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MySQL Cookbook: Solutions for Database Developers and Administrators

MySQL in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference

When you need to find the right SQL keyword or MySQL client command-line option right away, turn to this convenient reference, known for the same speed and flexibility as the system it covers so thoroughly. MySQL is packed with so many capabilities that the odds of remembering a particular function or statement at the right moment are pretty slim. With MySQL in a Nutshell, you get the details you need, day in and day out, in one concise and extremely well organized book.The new edition contains all the commands and programming information for version 5.1, including new features and language interfaces. It's ideal for anyone using MySQL, from novices who need to get up to speed to advanced users who want a handy reference. Like all O'Reilly Nutshell references, it's easy to use and highly authoritative, written by the editor of the MySQL Knowledge Base at MySQL AB, the creator and owner of MySQL. Inside, you'll find: A thorough reference to MySQL statements, functions, and administrative utilitiesSeveral tutorial chapters to help newcomers get startedProgramming language APIs for PHP, Perl, and CBrief tutorials at the beginning of each API chapter to help anyone, regardless of experience level, understand and master unfamiliar territoryNew chapters on replication, triggers, and stored proceduresPlenty of new examples of how MySQL is used in practiceUseful tips to help you get through the most difficult subjectsWhether you employ MySQL in a mission-critical, heavy-use environment or for applications that are more modest, this book puts a wealth of easy-to-find information at your fingertips, saving you hundreds of hours of trial and error and tedious online searching. If you're ready to take advantage of everything MySQL has to offer, MySQL in a Nutshell has precisely what it takes.

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MySQL in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference

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