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06/01/2024 15:44:13

Top 10 Melhores Livros Sobre Pizza

Conheça a seleção de nossos editores dos melhores livros sobre Pizza que não podem faltar na sua coleção.

Top 10 Melhores Livros Sobre Pizza A pizza é uma das iguarias mais amadas e apreciadas em todo o mundo. Sua combinação de massa crocante, molho saboroso e coberturas variadas desperta o paladar e une pessoas de diferentes culturas em torno de uma mesa. Seja você um amante de pizza de longa data ou alguém que está começando a explorar esse universo gastronômico, os livros sobre pizza são um tesouro de conhecimento e inspiração culinária. Neste artigo, embarcaremos em uma jornada pelo mundo dos livros culinários que celebram a pizza em todas as suas formas e sabores. Desde as receitas clássicas até as criações contemporâneas, essas obras nos convidam a descobrir técnicas, dicas e segredos para preparar a pizza perfeita em nossa própria cozinha. Prepare-se para saborear a cultura da pizza enquanto exploramos as páginas repletas de deliciosas combinações de ingredientes, histórias apaixonantes e fotografias irresistíveis. Que essa jornada literária desperte o seu apetite e inspire novas aventuras culinárias em torno da tão amada e versátil pizza. Conheça a seleção de nossos editores das melhores ideias de livros sobre Pizza para comprar.


Mastering Pizza: The Art and Practice of Handmade Pizza, Focaccia, and Calzone [A Cookbook]

A revolutionary guide to making delicious pizza at home, offering a variety of base doughs so that your pizza will turn out perfect no matter what kind of oven or equipment you have. Pizza remains America's favorite food, but one that many people hesitate to make at home. In Mastering Pizza, award-winning chef Marc Vetri tackles the topic with his trademark precision, making perfect pizza available to anyone. The recipes--gleaned from years spent researching recipes in Italy and perfecting them in America--have a variety of base doughs of different hydration levels, which allow home cooks to achieve the same results with a regular kitchen oven as they would with a professional pizza oven. The book covers popular standards like Margherita and Carbonara while also featuring unexpected toppings such as mussels and truffles--and even a dessert pizza made with Nutella. With transporting imagery from Italy and hardworking step-by-step photos to demystify the process, Mastering Pizza will help you make pizza as delicious as you find in Italy.

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Mastering Pizza: The Art and Practice of Handmade Pizza, Focaccia, and Calzone [A Cookbook]

The Elements of Pizza: Unlocking the Secrets to World-Class Pies at Home [A Cookbook]

The James Beard and IACP Award-winning author of Flour Water Salt Yeast and one of the most trusted baking authorities in the country proves that amazing pizza is within reach of any home cook. "If there were ever to be a bible for all things pizza--and I mean all things--Ken Forkish has just written it."--Marc Vetri, author of Mastering Pasta and owner of Vetri The Elements of Pizza breaks down each step of the pizza-making process, from choosing a dough to shaping your pie to selecting cheeses and toppings that will work for your home kitchen setup. Forkish offers more than a dozen different dough recipes--same-day "Saturday doughs" that you can make in the morning to bake pizza that night, levain doughs made from a naturally fermented yeast starter, and even gluten-free dough--each of which results in the best, most texturally sublime crust you've ever made at home. His clear, expert instructions will have you shaping pies and loading a pizza peel with the confidence of a professional pizzaiolo. And his innovative, seasonal topping ideas will surprise and delight any pizza lover--and inspire you to create your own signature pies, just the way you like them.

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The Elements of Pizza: Unlocking the Secrets to World-Class Pies at Home [A Cookbook]

New Pizza: A whole new era for the world's favourite food

Pizza gets a makeover - the best wholewheat flour, fresh ingredients and a brand new repertoire of taste and flavour.

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New Pizza: A whole new era for the world's favourite food

Pizza: The Ultimate Cookbook Featuring More Than 300 Recipes (Italian Cooking, Neapolitan Pizzas, Gifts for Foodies, Cookbook, History of Pizza)

From focaccias to pan pizza and the deep-dish delight of Chicago-style, Pizza: The Ultimate Cookbook will capture your taste buds and your imagination. Pizza has a delicious history that travels back across continents, developing unique flavors throughout time until it has become the staple we know today. From focaccias to pan pizza and the deep-dish delight of Chicago-style, Pizza: The Ultimate Cookbook will capture your taste buds and your imagination. With over 300 delicious recipes made for every palate, this is the definitive guide to pizzas and flatbreads world-wide. At over 800 pages, this is the perfect gift for the pizza lover in your life. Profiles and interviews with world-famous pizza makers will have you craving a slice, while delectable recipes will help satiate your cravings and awaken your taste buds to flavor combinations you've never tried before. Gorgeous, full-color photography brings each slice to life in front of you long before you roll out the dough. With Pizza: The Ultimate Cookbook on hand, you'll always go back for seconds.

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Pizza: The Ultimate Cookbook Featuring More Than 300 Recipes (Italian Cooking, Neapolitan Pizzas, Gifts for Foodies, Cookbook, History of Pizza)

Genuine Pizza: Better Pizza at Home

Throughout his acclaimed career, chef Michael Schwartz has been celebrated for his skilled use of quality ingredients, and with his pizzas, this talent is on full display. Genuine Pizza is Schwartz's vibrantly illustrated guidebook for creating unforgettable pies at home. His cookbook makes the pizza process approachable and fun, giving the reader the tools they need to make better pizza and then run with them. First providing a clear and simple view of the fundamentals--with detailed step-by-step methods for making the best pizza doughs--Schwartz then empowers home cooks to mix and match ingredients, playing with different sauces, cheeses, meats, vegetables, and more, to build pies both classic and innovative. Pizza is just the beginning--it's a jumping off point to colorful, delicious meals.

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Genuine Pizza: Better Pizza at Home

The Pizza Bible: The World's Favorite Pizza Styles, from Neapolitan, Deep-Dish, Wood-Fired, Sicilian, Calzones and Focaccia to New York: The World's ... to New York, New Haven, Detroit, and More

A comprehensive guide to making pizza, covering nine different regional styles--including standards like Neapolitan, Roman, and Chicago, as well as renowned pizza sub-specialties like St. Louis and Californian--from chef, 11-time world Pizza Champion Tony Gemignani. Everyone loves pizza! From fluffy Sicilian pan pizza to classic Neapolitan margherita with authentic charred edges, and from Chicago deep-dish to cracker-thin, the pizza spectrum is wide and wonderful, with something to suit every mood and occasion. And with so many fabulous types of pie, why commit to just one style? The Pizza Bible is a complete master class in making delicious, perfect, pizzeria-style pizza at home, with more than seventy-five recipes covering every style you know and love, as well as those you’ve yet to fall in love with. Pizzaiolo and eleven-time world pizza champion Tony Gemignani shares all his insider secrets for making amazing pizza inhome kitchens. With The Pizza Bible, you’ll learn the ins and outs of starters, making dough, assembly, toppings, and baking, how to rig your home oven to make pizza like the pros, and all the tips and tricks that elevate home pizza-making into a craft.

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The Pizza Bible: The World's Favorite Pizza Styles, from Neapolitan, Deep-Dish, Wood-Fired, Sicilian, Calzones and Focaccia to New York: The World's ... to New York, New Haven, Detroit, and More

Craft Pizza: Homemade Classic, Sicilian and Sourdough Pizza, Calzone and Focaccia

Recreate the tastes of Italy with over 65 delizioso recipes for pizza, calzone, focaccia, and more--buon appetito! Hailing from the sunny south of Italy, and quickly popularized around the world, pizza is undoubtedly a fast-food favourite. Now more popular than ever with the rise of "craft" creations, its versatility of tastes, toppings, and types of bread, means that everyone can share in a slice of the action, and Craft Pizza will show you how. Without the need for elaborate equipment, you'll be shown it's possible that--with just the most basic, fresh ingredients--you, too, can make luscious handmade pizzas, calzones, and focaccias. If you're a fan of the classics you'll find recipes for a Margherita, Stromboli, or Pizza Piccante but, if you fancy something a little different, why not put your hand to the Pulled Pork Calzone or the Truffled Breakfast Focaccia. Once you master the basics of the pizza doughs and sauces, you'll be amazed at how this popular dish is wonderfully easy to make, always tasty to eat, and guaranteed to transport you to the vibrant streets of Italy--you'll want every night to be pizza night!

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Craft Pizza: Homemade Classic, Sicilian and Sourdough Pizza, Calzone and Focaccia

Pizza: History, Recipes, Stories, People, Places, Love

Everyone loves pizza, right? Saver of parties, empty fridges and hangovers the world over - pizza has come to the rescue of the human race more times than is worth counting. So, if you can't imagine your world without dough, cheese and tomato, then this is the book for you. All things pizza are here - from its history and family tree, to world famous pizzerias and even an exploration into the pizza variants we love to hate (hamburger crust pizza anyone?). The Pizza Pilgrims, Thom and James Elliot, have spent years researching the best pizza that the world has to offer, and producing their own pizzas across 16 restaurants in the UK (and counting). Alongside pizza maps of their favourite global pizza cities (so you can conduct your very own pizza pilgrimage) the book is also packed with over 30 recipes to make sure you finally delete your local takeaway from speed dial #1. From an NY slice, to true Neapolitan pizza made in a frying pan, Pizza offers classic and new creations, including guest chefs' signature takes, and the Pilgrims' very own Nutella pizza ring! Oven fresh and packed with interviews, pizza facts, movie scenes, world records and even pizza tattoos, Pizza is illustrated with all manner of pie-based fun and written with a hearty dose of humour. The perfect companion for the pizza lover in your life. Fact.

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Pizza: History, Recipes, Stories, People, Places, Love

Pizza: History, Recipes, Stories, People, Places, Love

Everyone loves pizza, right? Saver of parties, empty fridges and hangovers the world over - pizza has come to the rescue of the human race more times than is worth counting. So, if you can't imagine your world without dough, cheese and tomato, then this is the book for you. All things pizza are here - from its history and family tree, to world famous pizzerias and even an exploration into the pizza variants we love to hate (hamburger crust pizza anyone?). The Pizza Pilgrims, Thom and James Elliot, have spent years researching the best pizza that the world has to offer, and producing their own pizzas across 16 restaurants in the UK (and counting). Alongside pizza maps of their favourite global pizza cities (so you can conduct your very own pizza pilgrimage) the book is also packed with over 30 recipes to make sure you finally delete your local takeaway from speed dial #1. From an NY slice, to true Neapolitan pizza made in a frying pan, Pizza offers classic and new creations, including guest chefs' signature takes, and the Pilgrims' very own Nutella pizza ring! Oven fresh and packed with interviews, pizza facts, movie scenes, world records and even pizza tattoos, Pizza is illustrated with all manner of pie-based fun and written with a hearty dose of humour. The perfect companion for the pizza lover in your life. Fact.

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Pizza: History, Recipes, Stories, People, Places, Love

Pizza do Faustão

Com receitas do papa da culinária italiana Massimo Ferrari e apresentação de Fausto Silva, o livro Pizza do Faustão, lançamento da Globo Estilo, traz um pouco da história desse prato tão consumido pelos brasileiros e os 14 mandamentos de uma boa pizza. Isso sem falar em 51 receitas com fotos incríveis, que mostram o passo a passo para se preparar pizzas, sejam como Aperitivo, as Clássicas, as Inventadas, as receitas dos Famosos e, claro, as Doces. Este livro mostra as pizzas que acabaram se tornando famosas no meu programa e nas reuniões em minha casa, onde, nos últimos trinta anos, eu faço pizzas praticamente uma vez por semana. Chegou o momento em que resolvi dividir isso com o público – desde que tivesse gente do nível do Massimo, profissional de gabarito, para ensinar como se faz essa comida que é o símbolo da cultura e da gastronomia italiana, diz Fausto na apresentação do livro. Já Massimo afirma que Pizza do Faustão é uma experiência única. “O livro foi originado em volta da mesa. Fausto é muito criativo, gosta de coisas novas, daí a inovação nas receitas, que aguçam o paladar”. Quem poderia imaginar que essa iguaria – uma mistura de farinha de cereais com água – teve origem cerca de dez mil anos atrás no Oriente Médio e que os fenícios deram uma contribuição fundamental à receita? Criaram a cobertura, que levava carne e cebola – mal sabiam eles que a redonda atual passaria a ser feita com dezenas de ingredientes. Mas foi em Nápoles que a pizza se popularizou: era vendida em barracas nas ruas, dobradas ao meio, e até com pinhão como recheio! E foi nesse porto, por intermédio dos espanhóis, que o molho de tomate – ingrediente essencial – desembarcou. Pronto, a receita como é conhecida hoje estava concretizada. Em Pizza do Faustão, o leitor aprenderá a fazer a massa e o molho de tomate, básicos para que qualquer receita se torne saborosa. E um dos 14 mandamentos trata justamente da massa: ela precisa descansar por 10 minutos depois de aberta e por 5 minutos depois de assada – esse é o segredo para que mantenha a crocância. No capítulo sobre pizzas como Aperitivo, uma novidade: pizza de mortadela com geleia de damasco – afinal, a mortadela é um ingrediente bastante popular, que agrada quem prefere um sabor mais acentuado, e a geleia de damasco faz um contraponto, por dar um gosto mais azedinho à receita. Já a tradicional Marguerita aparece em Pizzas Clássicas. Ela ganhou esse nome por causa da rainha Margherita, da Itália, que jamais havia experimentado uma pizza antes e tinha, como era sabido, um exigente paladar. Em pizzas Inventadas, o leitor pode se surpreender com a audácia de Massimo Ferrari ao incluir batata chips e hot dog em uma receita – ele não esqueceu nem mesmo a mostarda! O sabor é inconfundível e certamente vai fazer sucesso entre a garotada. E espere só para conhecer a receita de pizza de quindim no capítulo das pizzas doces...

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Pizza do Faustão

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