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06/01/2024 15:44:13

Top 10 Melhores Livros sobre Crossfit

Quais os melhores livros sobre Crossfit? O que é crossfit é para que serve? O que é ser Crossfiteiro? O que se faz no Cross Fit? Quais os benefícios do crossfit para o corpo? Com dúvidas? Vamos te ajudar!

Top 10 Melhores Livros sobre Crossfit Fizemos uma seleção do nosso top 10 dos melhores livros sobre Crossfit. Infelizmente esta review só vai trazer livros em inglês porque ainda não existem traduções para o português disponíveis, mas vale o esforço pra quem se interessa pelo esporte! Selecionamos para você os melhores livros sobre o Crossfit, veja a seleção dos nossos editores!


Chasing Excellence: A Story About Building the World's Fittest Athletes

CrossFit trainer Ben Bergeron has helped build the world's fittest athletes, but he's not like other coaches. He believes that greatness is not for the elite few; that winning is a result, not a goal; and that character, not talent, is what makes a true champion. His powerful philosophy can help anyone excel at all aspects of life.Using the dramatic competition between the top contenders at the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games(R) as a background, Ben explores the step-by-step process of achieving excellence and the unique set of positive character traits necessary for leveling up to world-class. The mindset and methodology that have produced some of the greatest athletes in the world's most gruelling sport can work equally well for golfers, lawyers, artists, entrepreneurs-anyone who's willing to commit totally to becoming better than the best.By Chasing Excellence, you'll discover how extraordinary it's possible for you to be.

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Chasing Excellence: A Story About Building the World's Fittest Athletes

Dottir: My Journey to Becoming a Two-Time CrossFit Games Champion

This is a memoir by two-time CrossFit Games champion, Katrin Davidsdottir.Dottir is two-time consecutive CrossFit Games Champion Katrin Davidsdottir's inspiring and poignant memoir. As one of only three women in history to have won the title of “Fittest Woman on Earth” twice, Davidsdottir knows all about the importance of mental and physical strength. She won the title in 2015, backing it up with a second win in 2016, after starting CrossFit in just 2011.A gymnast as a youth, Davidsdottir wanted to try new challenges and found a love of CrossFit. But it hasn't been a smooth rise to the top. In 2014, just one year before taking home the gold, she didn't qualify for the Games. She used that loss as motivation and fuel for training harder and smarter for the 2015 Games. She pushed herself and refocused her mental game. Her hard work and perseverance paid off with her return to the Games and subsequent victories in 2015 and 2016. In Dottir, Davidsdottir shares her journey with readers. She details her focus on training, goal setting, nutrition, and mental toughness.

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Dottir: My Journey to Becoming a Two-Time CrossFit Games Champion

First: What It Takes to Win

Physical Strength Can Only Take You So Far Reigning CrossFit World Champion Rich Froning is “The Fittest Man on Earth.” He’s fast. He’s strong. And he’s incredibly disciplined. But it takes more than physical strength to compete and win at an elite level. It takes incredible mental and spiritual toughness as well. And it is the precise balance of all three that makes Rich Froning a champion. In First, readers come alongside Rich as he trains for and competes in back-to-back-to-back CrossFit World Championships. Along the way, Rich shares invaluable training tips, motivational techniques, and spiritual insights that, in keeping with the CrossFit philosophy, will prepare you to respond to any real-life physical, mental and spiritual challenge.

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First: What It Takes to Win

TIA TOMMEY - How I Became The Fittest Woman On Earth: My Story So Far

I have loved to compete since primary school; where I lived for sport, particularly running, and would push myself to the limit to become better than yesterday. It may come as a surprise to you, but I always came second. I was always the underdog, that person who just fell short. I never gave up, I just felt that fire in my belly get stronger and stronger – I wanted do more, be more, achieve more. The day I finally came first was something I had always dreamed of. At twenty-four years old, I was crowned the winner of the 2017 Crossfit Games and officially became the Fittest Woman on Earth. When I heard my name called in front of thousands of cheering fans, I felt like I was invincible. I was on top of the world and suddenly everything up until that point actually made sense. With the support of my partner, Shane, my family and my coaches along the way, I was able to achieve my dream of being number one. This is the story of how I got to where I am today. I hope you enjoy it but more importantly I hope it inspires you to dream big, work hard and never give up!

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TIA TOMMEY - How I Became The Fittest Woman On Earth: My Story So Far

Start Your Engines: My Unstoppable CrossFit Journey

You don’t get biceps like Briggs by giving up when the going gets tough… CrossFit superstar Sam Briggs, aka ‘The Engine’, is a true hero in the sport, with a level of endurance unparalleled in the game. This is the story of how she got to the top, and battled with everything she had to stay there. Sam’s memoir takes in the whole story, from being kicked out of ballet lessons as a child but being accepted on the boys’ sports teams, to working as a firefighter in West Yorkshire for ten years, tackling dangerous and adrenaline-fueled situations on a daily basis, and to taking up CrossFit at the comparatively ancient age of 27. Sam tells of what it took to become champion a mere three years later, and after a year out with a broken patella. Despite the numerous setbacks and debilitating injuries that have plagued her in the years that followed, when most other athletes would have thrown in the towel, Sam has fought, and continues to fight, to be the very best that she can be. Start Your Engines is the story of how, with a combination of grit, training and dogged motivation, it’s never too late to achieve your dreams.

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Start Your Engines: My Unstoppable CrossFit Journey

Learning to Breathe Fire: The Rise of Crossfit and the Primal Future of Fitness

The absorbing, definitive account of CrossFit's origins, its explosive grassroots growth, and its emergence as a global phenomenon.  One of the most illuminating books ever on a sports subculture, Learning to Breathe Fire combines vivid sports writing with a thoughtful meditation on what it means to be human. In the book, veteran journalist J.C. Herz explains the science of maximum effort, why the modern gym fails an obese society, and the psychic rewards of ending up on the floor feeling as though you're about to die.  The story traces CrossFit’s rise, from a single underground gym in Santa Cruz to its adoption as the workout of choice for elite special forces, firefighters and cops, to its popularity as the go-to fitness routine for regular Joes and Janes. Especially riveting is Herz’s description of The CrossFit Games, which begin as an informal throw-down on a California ranch and evolve into a televised global proving ground for the fittest men and women on Earth, as well as hundreds of thousands of lesser mortals.  In her portrayal of the sport's star athletes, its passionate coaches and its “chief armorer,” Rogue Fitness, Herz powerfully evokes the uniqueness of a fitness culture that cultivates primal fierceness in average people. And in the shared ordeal of an all-consuming workout, she unearths the ritual intensity that's been with us since humans invented sports, showing us how, on a deep level, we're all tribal hunters and first responders, waiting for the signal to go all-out. 

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Learning to Breathe Fire: The Rise of Crossfit and the Primal Future of Fitness

Embrace the Suck: What I Learned at the Box about Hard Work, (Very) Sore Muscles, and Burpees Before Sunrise

With irreverence, humor, and soul-touching candor, the former editor of Bicycling magazine explores the CrossFit phenomenon, the fitness revolution sweeping America, chronicling his experience "inside the box" and how he got into the best shape of his life.Lifelong amateur athlete Stephen Madden decided to put himself to the test, physically and mentally, by immersing himself in the culture, diet, and psyche of CrossFit—the fast-growing but controversial fitness regime that's a stripped-down combination of high intensity aerobic activity, weightlifting, calisthenics, and gymnastics practiced by more than two million athletes worldwide. But what's crazier? The fact that such a grueling regimen—in which puking and muscle breakdowns during workouts are common—is so popular, or that people pay good money to do it?In Embrace the Suck, Madden chronicles the year he devoted to mastering all of the basic Crossfit exercises like double unders, muscle ups and kipping pullups, and immersing himself in the Paleo diet that strips weight from its followers but leaves them fantasizing about loaves of bread. Throughout, he explores the culture of the sport, visiting gyms (boxes) around the country, becoming a CrossFit coach, and confronting some basic questions about himself, his past and athletic limitations—and why something so difficult and punishing can be at once beautiful, funny, and rewarding.

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Embrace the Suck: What I Learned at the Box about Hard Work, (Very) Sore Muscles, and Burpees Before Sunrise

Cross Training: 1, 000 WOD's To Make You Fitter, Faster, Stronger

Cross Training - 1,000 WOD's To Make You Fitter, Faster, StrongerThis is your one-stop guide to Cross Training. This book will not only introduce you to this amazingly effective and often transformative sport, but it offers you 1,000 sample workouts to choose from. I will also show you how to design your on WOD's. So, once you've worked your way through all 1,000 WOD's, you can continue to develop your own. The pain never ends!I break down the 1,000 WOD's into Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced workout categories. Within each of these categories you will find several more subcategories, encompassing all of the sports that influence Cross Training, and allowing for anyone to find plenty of WODs of interest. This book isn't just about the WODs. I focus on what Cross Training is, workout frequency, implementing a weekly or monthly training plan, and the often overlooked warm ups (Preparations) and cool downsHere's A Preview Of What's InsideWhat is Cross Training?Benefits to Cross TrainingHow to use this bookWorkout ProgrammingTerminologyPreparationsBodyweight WODs / Little to No EquipmentBasic Barbell WODsRunning WODsSingle Element WODsDouble Element WODsIntermediate Mixed WODsGymnastics WODsRowing WODsSwimming WODsKettlebell WODsDumbbell WODsBenchmark WODsEMOM (Every minute on the minute) WODsTriple Element WODsTabata WODsOlympic Lifting WODsStrongman WODsPowerlifting WODsHeros WODsChipper WODsCreate Your Own WODsCool DownAnd So Much MoreGet your copy today to receive all of this information. Just Scroll to the top of the page and select the Buy Button

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Cross Training: 1, 000 WOD's To Make You Fitter, Faster, Stronger
Constructing The CrossFit Games

Cracking the CrossFit Open: How to Outperform Your Peers in Every Workout

Cracking the CrossFit Open: How to Outperform Your Peers in Every Workout

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Cracking the CrossFit Open: How to Outperform Your Peers in Every Workout

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