Moleskine é uma marca de cadernos de notas produzida pela empresa italiana Moleskine SRL. O Moleskine possui cantos arredondados, uma tira de elástico para mantê-la fechada (ou aberta em determinada página) e uma lombada costurada que permite que ela permaneça plana (a 180 graus) enquanto aberta. A folha de rosto vem impressa para que o seu proprietário possa escrever os seus dados pessoais, assim como estipular um valor de recompensa caso alguém a encontre perdida. Os produtos Moleskine são montados e costurados na Itália e impressos na China desde 2006. Listamos as melhores edições limitadas.
Caderno Moleskine, edição limitada, star wars, naves, capa dura, pautado, grande (13 cm x 21 cm), papel marfim acid-free 70 g/m².
A Moleskine presta homenagem a uma das sagas mais conhecidas: Harry Potter. O Caderno contém 240 páginas em papel marfim, capa dura, sendo pautado, incluindo adesivos temáticos.« Produto original Feito com materiais de qualidade
Cadernos Moleskine edição limitada Barbie, pautado, capa maiô em tecido Chevron preto e branco, edição para colecionadores, tamanho grande.
Caderno Moleskine, edição limitada, rolling stones, veludo azul, capa dura, pautado, grande (13 cm x 21 cm), papel marfim acid-free 70 g/m².
Caderno Moleskine, edição limitada, Game of Thrones, capa dura, pautado, tamanho bolso (9 cm x 14 cm).
Super Mario Limited Edition Notebooks invite you to let your thoughts run on and on. Featuring Super Mario graphics both inside and out, as well as a reusable paper band B-side, these notebooks are designed to capture leaps of the imagination as your mind dashes from one idea to the next. Each notebook celebrates a different element from the original game's distinctive software and familiar hardware, and includes themed stickers to highlight game-changing notes. Whether you grew up playing Nintendo, or are simply a fan of retro games, this nostalgic collection takes you on an analog journey dashing around the pixilated world of Super Mario. - Hard Cover with rounded corners - Super Mario Game Screen Theme - Elastic closure - Moleskine Ivory Paper - Matching bookmark ribbon - Ivory-coloured 70 g/m², acid-free paper - Themed stickers - Expandable inner pocket in the back - "In case of loss" printed on the flyleaf - Reusable themed paper band B-side featuring additional printed tools - 240 ruled pages - 5" x 8.25" Moleskine S.r.l. creates and sells FSC®-certified products
Caderno Moleskine, edição limitada, beatles, all you need is love, capa dura, pautado, tamanho bolso (9 cm x 14 cm).
Caderno Moleskine edição limitada, Pokémon, pautado, capa Pikachu, tamanho grande, páginas livres de ácido, capa revestida em couro.
Caderno Moleskine, edição limitada, Peter Pan Indians, capa dura, pautado, tamanho bolso (9 cm x 14 cm).
Large description Step into the spellbinding world of Harry Potter, then follow the students of Hogwarts on an enchanted learning curve as they progress from the Sorting Hat to the search for the Deathly Hallows. This Harry Potter Limited Edition collection features 7 notebooks, each one conjuring up a different magical moment from the incredible journey that starts the first time Harry and friends board the Hogwarts Express and ends with them becoming fully-fledged witches and wizards. Moleskine celebrates this journey by exploring the inquisitive spirit, enchanted tools and dedication necessary to acquire magical knowledge. Learn to master your own creative magic on the pages inside, following in the footsteps of all the witches, wizards and wordsmiths who have come before you. 4 Harry Potter Limited Edition Notebooks were released in Fall 2019, with the remaining 3 in Spring 2020. - Brilliant Violet Hard Cover featuring a Harry Potter Book 5 Limited Edition Theme - Rounded corners - Elastic closure - Moleskine Ivory Paper - 240 ruled pages - Matching bookmark ribbon - Ivory-coloured 70 g/m² - 47 lb., acid-free paper - Themed poster - Expandable inner pocket in the back - 'In Case of Loss' printed on the flyleaf - Reusable themed paper band B-Side featuring additional printed tools - Lies flat, opens at 180° - The history of Moleskine is inside - Dimensions: 5" x 8.25" Moleskine S.r.l. creates and sells FSC®-certified products.